Advocacy & Empowerment
Consistent with its mission to improve opportunities and open doors for Hispanic Americans, NCLR believes that advocacy, civic engagement, and community-based support are essential parts of any community-empowerment strategy. Thus, the organization concentrates on advocacy activities at state and local levels through its initiatives. In addition, NCLR strengthens Latino participation…
2010 U.S. Census: Hispanics in the United States This year, the 2010 U.S. Census data showed that over the last decade the Latino population grew from 35.3 million to 50.5 million, accounting for more than half of the nation’s population growth. Latinos now make up 16% of the total U.S.…
Children and Youth
Latino children and youth are the fastest-growing segment of the American population. Currently representing 23% of all children under the age of 18, Latino children are a critically important part of our nation’s future. Through its work, NCLR ensures that Latino children and youth are represented in today’s policy debates…
Civil Rights and Justice
Discrimination severely limits the economic and social opportunities available to Hispanic Americans. NCLR conducts policy analysis and advocacy activities in the civil rights arena in order to promote and protect equality of opportunity in voting, justice issues, education, employment, housing, and health care for all Americans....
Economy and Workforce
The strength of the American economy is increasingly linked to the strength of the Latino workforce. Latinos are the fastest-growing segment of the American workforce, with 23.3 million Latinos at work in the United States representing nearly 16% of the labor force. By 2050, one in three working Americans will…
NCLR addresses the issue of education through a complementary, two-part approach. NCLR's education program services and activities are targeted to nearly 300 affiliated organizations while its education policy work addresses national issues in public education....
Health and Nutrition
NCLR develops and implements health education and prevention programs and conducts health advocacy activities in partnership with its Affiliate Network to protect the health and well-being of the Latino community....
NCLR conducts immigration policy analyses and advocacy activities in its role as a civil rights organization. The primary focus of these activities is to encourage immigration policies that are fair and nondiscriminatory, to encourage family reunification, and to enact necessary reforms to the current immigration system....
The primary aim of research at NCLR is to compile an accurate picture of the Latino population in order to build a comprehensive body of knowledge and identify solutions to the many challenges facing our growing community. Over the past two decades, NCLR's Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation has…
Wealth Building
NCLR’s Housing and Community Development component and Wealth-Building Policy Project seek to strengthen Latino communities by preserving and increasing their wealth. Latino families own just nine cents for every dollar owned by White families, a figure known as the racial wealth gap. For this reason, NCLR is devoted to helping…